März13 2025 (Do)

Konzert im Rudolfinum

A.Vivaldi, M. Ravel, A. Dvořák, B. Smetana

Rudolfinum - Suk Saal | Klassische Musik

65 Minuten | Verfügbar


Rated 5/5 based on 14
5,00/ 5

Vstupenky dle zakoupení bez zadání místa k sezení a nakonec vás někam posadí nemůžete si vybrat . Mylné informace při nákupu Rajdlová Marie

4,00/ 5

Fragmenty populárních děl klasické hudby potěšily a výrazně přispěly k dobré náladě na sklonku loňského roku. Jen škoda, že například symfonická báseň Vlava (i když není tak dlouhá), byla odehrána právě jen fragmentem....

5,00/ 5

Great gala performance. Good variety and expert musicians. Very enjoyable.

5,00/ 5

Wonderful music, excellent performance. You could feel the fun the musicians had in playing together. Especially performing the encore. If I had stayed longer in Prague, I would’ve liked to visit another concert of this superb ensemble.

5,00/ 5

A treat for the senses. Beautiful venue and sensational music performance. A wonderful atmosphere. Many thanks. ☺️

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Un concert de très haute qualité, un moment de pur bonheur.

5,00/ 5

Koncert se nám velmi líbil, byl hravou a zábavnou formou, ne celé dlouhé sklady, ale naopak vybrané ty známé pasáže. Moc jsme si představení užili!

5,00/ 5

Nice repertoire. Love Smetana and the fun plink plank song at the end. I forgot the name since it was a year ago.

4,00/ 5

Personally, i did not enjoy the pieces that they played, except for the last ones. The pieces have been overused in my point of view. The very good musicians makes this a 'very good' review. There were two very playful and funny performances, wich i enjoyed.

5,00/ 5

Absolutely loved it! First classical concert we’d been to and it was brilliant. Highly recommend.

5,00/ 5

I have listened this concert for the first time. Thanks to great performance and hall, I really enjoyed listening to this concert. The last playing for an encore was very exciting!

5,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Musicians were outstanding and having a good time playing with each other. Excellent acoustics and fun, light program.

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