Liechtenstein Palace (Malostranské sq.) - Bohuslav Martinů Hall | Classical Music
105 minutes | Not available
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Blanka Šindelářová, Petra Brynychová, Antonín Procházka, Lukáš Brabec, Jakub Hřebíček, Vojtěch Vencl, Ivo Hermanovský, Milan Dotlačil, Tomáš Reindl a doc. Daniel Mikolášek and other students
Concerts in the Municipal House
The Liechtenstein Palace was built on the grounds of five city houses in 1591 and rebuilt in Classical style in 18th cenutry. The princely family of Lichtensteins gradually lost interest in the Palace and sold it to the Earl of Ledebour. Later on, the Palace housed many different institutions, until finally in 1980´s it was acquired by the Academy of Musical Arts.
It was beautifully reconstructed and adjusted for the purposes of the Academy. Nowadays, the Liechtenstein Palace is literally full of music! The Liechtenstein Palace is protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.
Look for the Lichtenstein Palace opposite St. Nicholas Church in Malostranské náměstí (Lesser Town Square).
Overall rating:
Inspirující, nabíjející, živelné!
Moc hezké a zajímavé propojení hudby s tancem. Vystoupení mělo náboj. A konec s ohni asi nikdo nečekal...krásně prožitý večer..
Skvělé hudební vystoupení, oceňuji nejvíce výstup a spolupráci se studenty z katedry nonverbálního divadla