Viničná 468/2, Praha 2
as part of his magnificent New Town project. In 2012, the church was rented by the Orthodox Church, which uses it for worship and church meetings, concerts and various spiritual culture projects.
* Accessibility by public transport: metro B (yellow line), Karlovo náměstí stop trams 3, 4, 10, 14, 16, 18, 24 - Moráň stop * Nearest car parking: Central Parking Prague, Karlovo náměstí 292/15
Overall rating:
Kostel sv. Kateřiny Alexandrijské je krásná stavba, která podtrhla vyznění prezentované hudby a dotvořila tak atmosféru celého koncertu.
Výborná akustika
Hodil by se byzantštější chrám, ale nevím, jestli takový někde máme.
The venue was great: provided a clear sound and the church itself is very beautiful. The use of dim light was also a perfect match for the music. The benches are not the most confortable ever, but we could cope with that :-)